Wheel Generator : A random Guessing Tool

Wheel Spinner - Spin The Wheel To Make The Final Decision





Everyone loves a good game that spices up any event with chances to win amazing prices. With Wheel Generator, a random name picker tool, you can do just that without the stress of manual selection. Whether you’re picking a winner for a game, deciding the next speaker during a team meeting or choosing what to have for dinner, our tool makes random selection easy and fun.




What is Wheel Generator?

The Wheel Generator is a software tool that helps you make decisions by randomly selecting options from a customizable wheel. It offers a more versatile alternative to a simple coin flip, as it allows you to input and select from a larger number of choices.

Whether you need to settle a dispute among friends, coworkers, or family members regarding where to go for lunch, which movie to watch, or what activity to do, the Wheel Generator can assist you. Instead of relying solely on your own judgment or getting advice from others, you can use this tool to introduce an element of randomness and fairness to the decision-making process.

How It helps us?

By inputting your options into the wheel, the software will then randomly select one of them, helping you reach a decision in a fun and impartial manner.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a decision and want to add an element of chance, the Wheel Generator is there to help, ensuring a fair and enjoyable decision-making process.



Features and Benefits

User-friendly tool that requires no technical experience

– Customizable in terms of colors, sounds, spin time, and the number of entries

– 100% renewable energy powers our servers, so you can enjoy guilt-free usage

– GDPR and CCPA compliant with industry-best practices for data encryption and backups

About Us

At Wheel Generator, we’re passionate about creating fun and interactive tools to spice up any event. Our goal is to make random selection fun and exciting. Our team of experienced professionals is always working to improve the tool and provide a seamless user experience.




It takes only a few minutes to set up the tool, enter your entries in the textbox, and spin it.

Lucky wheels are popular in events, carnivals, and even game shows. To spin a lucky wheel, follow these steps:

Stand in front of the wheel and grip its handles firmly.

Give the wheel a swift, downward push with enough force to initiate a smooth rotation.

Watch as the wheel spins and eagerly wait for it to come to a stop, revealing your lucky outcome!

Children are often drawn to spinning for a variety of reasons:

  • Spinning stimulates their vestibular system, which helps with balance and coordination.
  • The sensation of spinning can induce feelings of joy and excitement.
  • It allows children to explore cause and effect relationships and observe the physics of motion.
  • Spinning can also offer a sense of control and autonomy, as they control the speed and duration of their spins.
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